Our Services
MathEcology specializes in the mathematical modeling and simulation of biological systems. We develop applied mathematical models to help solve policy issues in epidemiology and ecology, with special emphasis on the development of simulation models to predict the impact of infectious diseases, vaccinations and other interventions on structured populations. Through these services, MathEcology offers clients the ability to address complex issues through the use of applied mathematical modeling and simulation tools.
The professional staff at MathEcology has a broad range of expertise in a variety of fields, including mathematical epidemiology, applied mathematics and predictive modeling, mathematical software development, and ecology. We recognize that complicated problems often require solutions uniting the strengths of many disciplines. Our skill at integrating multiple subject areas into seamless solutions for our clients, allows us to offer our clients the state-of-the-art at the best possible value.

One of our main focus areas at MathEcology is epidemiological modeling and research, and the elucidation of patterns, causes and control strategies for diseases in groups of organisms. Learn more about MathEcology's Epidemiology Services >>

Through the application of mathematical techniques to the study of the physical, biological and social world, we can help provide valuable insight into observations, processes and outcomes to support theories -- and even provide a window into potential future outcomes. Learn more about our Applied Mathematics Services >>

At MathEcology we apply our unique combination of capabilities to the solution of biological problems, focusing in particular on the level of populations and ecosystems. Learn more about MathEcology's Ecology Services >>